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Thai Massage Dublin

The term “holistic” derives from the ancient Greek word “holos,” which means “whole.” The holistic state is one in which an individual is integrated in all levels of being: body, mind and spirit. In this state you experience a sense of joy, wonder and love towards yourself and the world.

Holistic massage is an ancient method of healing that clears the lymphatic drainage system and releases toxins from the body. By recognizing that illness and stress affects not only our physical but also our emotional, spiritual and mental well-being, Here at Harvest Moon the general concesses is that our immune system is a function of the subconscious mind.

Come and expertise our kickass therapists, cozy rooms, lovely oils and powerful hands – with a pinch of quirky randomness.
We just love taking care of you!
Major Benefits of Massage Include:

  • Reduces stress
  • Increases energy levels
  • Helps induce a natural state of relaxation
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Relieves chronic and acute pain
  • Helps to lower blood pressure
  • Tones muscles
  • Improves skin tone and quality
  • Helps reduce swelling after injury
  • Increases mobility in athletes
  • Assists digestion and elimination
  • Helps prevent insomnia
  • Helps to break down cellulite